Jesús Sánchez Cuadrado

Universidad de Murcia, Spain

Jesús Sánchez Cuadrado

Testing with and for MDE tools


Model transformations are one of the core elements of Model-Driven Engineering (MDE), since they allow us to automate model manipulation. Model transformation testing and verification is essential to prevent bugs that may affect many projects using the same transformation. The context of this talk is AnATLyzer, an IDE for model transformations which provides features such as static analysis, quick fixes, visualizations and automated testing, including mutation testing.

In this talk I will explain the two main testing features provided by AnATLyzer to test model transformations: automatic model generation and mutation testing. For model generation, AnATLyzer integrates a random generator, a meta-model coverage generator and a path-based one. For mutation testing, AnATLyzer provides 50 mutation operators plus an automation framework. Moreover, I will explain how we test and evaluate AnATLyzer itself using these techniques.