Giovanni Denaro
Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Italy
Engineering Next generation ERTMS/ETCS systems
The European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) represents a class of embedded software-intensive systems of systems for the management of the European rail traffic, in a scenario where interoperability between different European rail traffic infrastructures must be maintained. Due to the intrinsically safety-critical nature of ERTMS, software development and testing must meet the strict prescriptions imposed by the certification authorities. This talk consists of two parts. First, it reports on a recent project of developing an ERTMS on-board unit that we are recently accomplishing jointly with an industrial partner. The talk summarises the main certification standards that the project is addressing, the technology choices that we have embraced in the first year of the project, and the directions along which we are progressing. Next, the talk overviews our recent research results on test generation, which we plan to transfer to be used in the project in the next phases.